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ReviewGPT Frequently Asked Questions

What is ReviewGPT?

ReviewGPT is an advanced AI-powered tool available as a website and a Chrome extension. It helps users analyze Amazon products and reviews, ensuring they are purchasing genuine and high-quality items.

How Do I Use ReviewGPT?

To use ReviewGPT, install the Chrome extension and visit an Amazon product page. The extension will analyze the product and its reviews using AI, providing valuable insights on counterfeit products, pirated books, fake reviews, third-party seller reliability, and safety concerns.

What Are the Core Features of ReviewGPT?

ReviewGPT offers several key features including AI analysis of products and reviews, detection of counterfeit items and pirated books, identification of fake reviews, and evaluation of third-party sellers for safety risks.

Who Should Use ReviewGPT?

Anyone who shops on Amazon can benefit from using ReviewGPT, particularly those wanting to avoid counterfeit products, fake reviews, and potential safety risks.