Remodel AI Frequently Asked Questions

Remodel AI Frequently Asked Questions. Transform your spaces effortlessly with Remodel AI—Reimagine interiors and exteriors using cutting-edge AI technology for stunning, personalized results.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Remodel AI?

Remodel AI is an AI-driven platform that enables you to reimagine your home's interiors and exteriors effortlessly. It offers the ability to experiment with various styles, colors, and materials to bring your dream home to life.

How do I use Remodel AI?

To use Remodel AI, simply upload an image of your home’s interior or exterior, choose your desired customization options, let the AI create innovative designs, and then download the final concept.

Can I remodel specific areas of my home with Remodel AI?

Yes, Remodel AI allows you to focus on specific areas, enabling you to remodel only the parts of your home that you want to change.

What types of buildings can Remodel AI handle?

Remodel AI supports a wide variety of building types, including houses, apartments, townhouses, and more.

Can I cancel my subscription anytime?

Yes, you have the option to cancel your subscription at any time.

Is there a refund policy for Remodel AI?

Due to the high costs of GPU processing and server maintenance, Remodel AI does not offer refunds. However, you can cancel your subscription whenever necessary.