RankRaven Frequently Asked Questions

RankRaven Frequently Asked Questions. Boost your brand's visibility with RankRaven, the AI SERP tracker that monitors and enhances your brand's performance on AI search engines effortlessly.

FAQ from RankRaven

What is RankRaven?

RankRaven is an AI-powered SERP tracking tool that helps you monitor your brand's performance on various AI search engines.

How to use RankRaven?

1. Create a query to track.
2. Add your brand and competitors as keywords.
3. Select AI models to track, such as OpenAI ChatGPT, Google Bard, and Microsoft Bing.
4. RankRaven runs these prompts daily and notifies you of any rank changes via email.
5. Use charts and reports to track progress and analyze trends.

Why do I need RankRaven?

RankRaven tracks your brand's visibility in AI model searches, automatically running prompts daily and notifying you of changes, so you don't have to manually check them yourself.

Why can't I simply run the prompts myself each day?

Manually running prompts daily is tedious and limited to a few languages. RankRaven automates this process, running prompts in over 40 languages, allowing you to track global results effortlessly.

Do model answers really change over time?

Yes, models like Microsoft Bing can access current data online, and other AI models are periodically updated with new data, leading to changes in their answers. Tracking these changes helps evaluate AI SEO strategies.

Which models are you tracking exactly?

We currently track OpenAI GPT 3.5, Google PaLM (chat-bison), and Microsoft Bing Chat, with plans to add more models in the future.

Where can I get additional help?

Visit our support page for assistance. We are here to help!