QueryPal Frequently Asked Questions

QueryPal Frequently Asked Questions. The smartest AI-powered Slack assistant for your team

QueryPal FAQ

What is QueryPal?

QueryPal is an AI-powered assistant designed to improve Slack-based workflows.

How do I use QueryPal?

1. Install QueryPal in Slack.
2. Connect your company's data sources.
3. Begin asking questions for instant responses.

How does QueryPal answer questions?

QueryPal uses AI to analyze your internal data and provides real-time answers based on that information.

What data sources does QueryPal support?

QueryPal integrates with platforms like Google Drive, Jira, Notion, Confluence, and many more.

Can I customize QueryPal?

Yes, QueryPal is fully customizable to fit your team's specific needs, from managing document access to adjusting chatbot settings.