PTE APEUni Introduction

PTE APEUni Introduction. Pearson Test of English (PTE) is a computer-based academic exam with online mock tests available. Join APEUni to practice PTE for FREE and use AI scorings to evaluate your performance.

PTE APEUni Website screenshot

What is PTE APEUni?

The full form of PTE is the Pearson Test of English, normally referring to the academic version. It is a computer-based exam and provides online mock tests on Pearson PTE's website.

How to use PTE APEUni?

Join 100,000 PTE test takers to practice for FREE on APEUni's platform. Use the speaking and writing AI scorings to evaluate your pronunciation, fluency, grammar, and spelling. Synchronize your practice records across web and apps. Access PTE study tools like vocab books, shadowing, AI study plan, AI score report analysis, and downloadable study materials.