PowerIn Frequently Asked Questions

PowerIn Frequently Asked Questions. Boost your LinkedIn visibility with PowerIn: Automated AI comments for unmatched engagement and attention. Get noticed, get results.

Frequently Asked Questions about PowerIn

What is PowerIn?

PowerIn is an AI tool that automates LinkedIn comments, enhancing your visibility and engagement.

How to use PowerIn?

Automate comments by targeting specific creators or keywords on LinkedIn posts.

What are the core features?

Key features include automated comments on up to 200 posts daily, tone customization, and using your company page for comments.

What are the use cases?

Use PowerIn to boost visibility, engage with industry posts, attract audiences, expand networks, and generate leads.

What is the pricing?

PowerIn offers three plans: Starter at $19/month, Pro at $39/month, and Corporate at $59/month.

Are discounts available?

Currently, there is no discount information available.