Key Features Frequently Asked Questions

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Point Drift FAQ

What is Point Drift?

Point Drift is an AI tool that helps users convert mindmaps to code, debug code, and translate codebases.

How do I use Point Drift?

To use Point Drift, upload your mindmap, and the AI will handle code generation, debugging, and translation.

Which mindmap formats are supported by Point Drift?

Point Drift supports formats such as .mm, .xmind, and .mmap.

Can Point Drift translate code into different programming languages?

Yes, Point Drift can translate code into languages like Python, Java, C++, and more.

Is there a limit to the size of codebases that Point Drift can debug?

No, Point Drift can debug codebases of any size, from small scripts to extensive projects.

Does Point Drift integrate with popular code editors?

Yes, Point Drift integrates smoothly with editors like Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, and Atom.