Podhome Introduction

Podhome Introduction. Podhome: Unlimited podcast hosting with AI-powered tools. Get dynamic audio & text, auto-generated transcripts, chapters, show-notes, clips, and more!

Podhome Website screenshot

What is Podhome?

Podhome provides a comprehensive solution for podcasters, offering unlimited hosting along with a suite of intelligent tools. This includes features like dynamic audio and text, a dedicated website for each show, and the powerful Podhome AI for generating transcripts, chapters, clips, show notes, titles, and more.

How to use Podhome?

Getting started with Podhome is straightforward. Sign up for a monthly subscription to begin creating unlimited shows and episodes. Once subscribed, you'll have the ability to upload and download audio files, and utilize the various intelligent tools available, including automated transcription and audio enhancement through Podhome AI.