Podcast.ai Frequently Asked Questions

Podcast.ai Frequently Asked Questions. Podcast.ai: AI-generated podcasts with user-suggested topics & voices. Deep dives on diverse subjects powered by play.ht. Your voice, your topics, our AI.

FAQ from Podcast.ai

What is Podcast.ai?

Podcast.ai is an AI-generated podcast that covers a variety of topics in detail. Listeners can suggest topics, guests, and hosts for future episodes. The voices are powered by play.ht.

How to use Podcast.ai?

Visit the Podcast.ai website to listen to AI-generated episodes. You can also submit suggestions for topics or guests via the website.

How can I suggest a topic or a guest for a future episode?

Submit your topic or guest ideas through the form available on the Podcast.ai website.

Are the voices in the podcast generated by artificial intelligence?

Yes, the voices in Podcast.ai are generated using AI technology from play.ht.

Can I listen to the podcast on any platform?

Yes, Podcast.ai can be accessed on any platform that supports audio playback, including web browsers, smartphones, and podcast players.

Is Podcast.ai suitable for people interested in machine learning?

Definitely! Podcast.ai is an excellent resource for machine learning enthusiasts, offering AI-generated content and exploring various AI-related topics.

Can I listen to voices from the past on Podcast.ai?

Yes, Podcast.ai features AI-generated episodes that recreate voices from the past.