Pixelvise Frequently Asked Questions

Pixelvise Frequently Asked Questions. Build your dream website

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Pixelvise?

Your trusted web design professionals.

How can I use Pixelvise?

Submit your business details, choose your design and pages, finalize the purchase, and submit your content—or let AI take care of it. Receive your new website within four business days.

How does the process work?

Submit your business information, choose your design and pages, complete the purchase, submit content or let AI handle it, and get your new website within four business days.

What do I receive?

A personalized website quote, custom web design service, rounds for design feedback, build feedback sessions, quality assurance, and security review, plus support documentation.

What is included in every project?

Top-notch hosting, a domain for the first year, a dedicated team of experts, mobile-friendly design, and ongoing support from Pixelvise Engineers.

Who is the custom website design service best for?

Ideal for personal blogs, portfolios, educational sites, corporate websites, government sites, eCommerce platforms, migrations, learning management systems (LMS), memberships, and more.

What does 'Built by Pixelvise' mean?

A fully customized website design service tailored to your specific vision.

What is the cost?

Web design and development services start at $5,000 USD. A personalized quote is provided by our consultation team. Express services begin at $400.

How long does it take to build a website?

The timeline varies based on project complexity. Contact us for a more precise estimate.

Where will my website be hosted?

Depending on your plan, your website will be hosted on Namecheap.com or WordPress.com.

Will I own my website after it's built?

Yes, you will own your website and can easily make edits using WordPress.