Frequently Asked Questions Frequently Asked Questions. Transform your images with Your Ultimate AI-Powered Photo Generation Tool. Create stunning photos effortlessly with our all-in-one generator.

FAQ from

What is

Your Ultimate AI Photo Generator

How to use

Describe your image and get it in seconds. Create interiors, headshots, restore old photos, upscale images, and more.

How long does image generation take?

The time varies depending on inputs, number of renders, resolution, and other factors. Typically, it takes 10-45 seconds.

How many photos can I generate?

Some models generate multiple outputs. You can select the number of renders you want. Each generation consumes 1 credit, and additional credits can be purchased.

What happens if there's an error?

If an error occurs, credits won't be consumed, and you can try again. For issues, contact us at [email protected].

Is payment secure?

Yes, transactions are processed through Lemon Squeezy, and no credit card information is stored.

Is there a watermark on the images?

No, the generated images are watermark-free and can be used as you wish.

Can I use my photos anywhere?

Yes, you can use them for both personal and commercial purposes.

Is attribution required?

No attribution is necessary, but a shoutout would be appreciated.

Can I get an invoice?

Invoices can be generated through the purchase confirmation email. For assistance, email us at [email protected].