Photo Quality Checker for Athena Records Frequently Asked Questions

Photo Quality Checker for Athena Records Frequently Asked Questions. Photo quality checker for Athena Records

FAQ for the Photo Quality Checker for Athena Records Chrome Extension

What is the Photo Quality Checker for Athena Records?

The Photo Quality Checker is a Chrome extension that ensures patient photos in Athena records are clear, accurate, and up to standard. It provides automatic feedback, retake suggestions, and alerts for missing images.

How do I use the Photo Quality Checker for Athena Records?

Install the extension on your Chrome browser. It will immediately start reviewing photos in your Athena records and offer suggestions or alerts for retakes or missing photos.

How does the Photo Quality Checker function?

The extension continuously monitors the quality of images in your Athena records, instantly evaluating them for issues. It suggests retakes when necessary and alerts you if a photo is missing from any patient record.

Is the Photo Quality Checker easy to navigate?

Yes, the extension is built with a user-friendly interface, offering clear instructions and making it simple to maintain high-quality photo records.