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Frequently Asked Questions about Ourea | Global Video AI Generation Platform

What is Ourea?

Ourea is a global video AI generation platform designed to offer cost-effective content creation solutions and personalized content production using advanced AI technology.

How do I use Ourea?

To use Ourea: 1. Provide necessary information such as product type, target market, and customer characteristics. 2. Leverage LantuAI's strategic marketing insights and cost-efficient video materials. 3. Open an account, distribute content, and quickly test the market.

What is the minimum cost for a foreign real-life material?


What benefits does Ourea offer for content production?

- Cost efficiency - High production capacity - Personalized content adaptation - Ability to build on existing materials - Time savings - Fast decision-making - Truly affordable solutions without high overhead

Where is LantuAI INC's office located?

Shijingshan Oversea Building, Beijing, China