Origlio Frequently Asked Questions

Origlio Frequently Asked Questions. Origlio: Superior audio message transcription and more. Effortlessly transcribe, edit, and manage your audio messages with top-notch accuracy and ease.

Origlio FAQ

What is Origlio?

Origlio is a service designed for transcribing audio messages, providing additional features for convenience.

How do I use Origlio?

Simply forward your audio messages to Origlio, and receive a quick and accurate transcript. For longer messages, transcripts include paragraph breaks and timestamps for ease of use.

Does Origlio support multiple languages?

Yes, Origlio supports transcription in multiple languages.

What is your refund policy?

Origlio offers a free plan with limited features. Refunds are not available for paid subscriptions.

How are payments processed?

Payments for Origlio subscriptions are handled securely via the website.

Where can I find your privacy policy?

Origlio prioritizes privacy, and our comprehensive policy is available on our website.

How can I subscribe to Origlio?

Visit our Pricing page to choose a plan and subscribe.

Is it possible to upgrade my plan?

Yes, you can upgrade at any time to access more features and higher transcription limits.

Are new features added to Origlio?

We regularly update Origlio with new features to enhance the transcription experience.

Who can I contact for more information?

If you have any questions, please reach out via our website's contact form.