Frequently Asked Questions Frequently Asked Questions. Turn Your Drawings Into Images in Seconds

FAQ from

What is

Instantly Transform Your Drawings into Stunning Images

How to use

Start with an initial sketch, provide a detailed description, and generate multiple design options.

Do I need to code or have any special skills to use this service (Python, Git, Colab, etc.)?

No, is designed to be user-friendly with no special skills required.

Can I cancel a subscription at any time?

Yes, subscriptions can be canceled at any time.

Can I buy additional credit when I've reached my monthly limit?

Yes, additional credits can be purchased if needed.

Can I use the service for free? offers a free tier for new users.

Will other users be able to use my designs to generate their images?

No, all images you generate are exclusively yours with full copyright ownership.

Do you have an affiliate program?

Yes, contact us for details about our affiliate program.

Can I use it for my client project?

Yes, you can use for client projects.

What is your refund policy & cancellation policy?

Refer to our Terms of Service for refund and cancellation policies.

How long does each render take?

Rendering time varies, but most designs are ready in seconds.

What file formats of sketch do you support?

We support various sketch formats including photos and illustrations.

Who owns the copyright to the renders?

You retain full copyright ownership of all renders created with

Can generate new ideas?

Yes, our AI can provide unique design ideas based on your sketches to inspire creativity.