MWMF Introduction

MWMF Introduction. Relive the magic of shared memories with MWMF: a private, digital corkboard for preserving and sharing special moments with your closest friends.

mwmf Website screenshot

What is mwmf?

Experience the joy of shared moments with mwmf, a digital corkboard that captures the essence of cherished memories. It brings the charm of a traditional corkboard filled with photos into a digital space, allowing you to create and preserve memories with your closest friends in a private and user-friendly way.

How to use mwmf?

1. Get the mwmf app from the App Store.
2. Set up a private board for your inner circle.
3. Begin adding your most treasured memories and share them with your friends.
4. Engage with the memories your friends post.
5. Revisit your shared moments regularly, be it weekly, monthly, or yearly.