Mercadolivre Service Helper Frequently Asked Questions

Mercadolivre Service Helper Frequently Asked Questions. Mercadolivre Service Helper with GPT: Free Chrome extension to boost your sales! Automate responses, streamline listings, and enhance efficiency for sellers.

FAQ about the Mercadolivre Service Helper with GPT - Chrome Extension

What is the Mercadolivre Service Helper with GPT?

It is a free Chrome extension that assists sellers in responding to customer queries on Mercadolivre by using GPT-powered AI technology.

How does the Mercadolivre Service Helper work?

After selecting the customer's message, the extension uses GPT-3.5 to generate suggested replies, which can be sent after editing if needed.

Do I need a ChatGPT account to use this extension?

Yes, having a ChatGPT account is required to access the features of the extension.