Markopolo Frequently Asked Questions

Markopolo Frequently Asked Questions. Markopolo is an eCommerce growth platform that helps businesses track and personalize marketing for consumers across devices and platforms. Its unique selling point is MarkTag, a server-side pixel that recaptures lost audience due to cookie loss, thereby increasing revenue.

FAQ from Markopolo

What is Markopolo?

Markopolo is an eCommerce growth platform that assists businesses in tracking and personalizing marketing efforts across multiple devices and platforms. Its key feature is MarkTag, a server-side pixel that recaptures audiences lost due to cookie loss, thus increasing revenue.

How to use Markopolo?

Businesses can sign up for a free trial and log in to the platform. They can identify and engage ideal customers through precise targeting, track conversions, and recover lost audiences using advanced attribution techniques. The platform also enables marketing process automation and performance optimization. Markopolo provides specialized solutions for agencies, enterprises, and eCommerce businesses.

What is MarkTag?

MarkTag is a server-side pixel developed by Markopolo that helps recapture audiences lost due to cookie restrictions, directly enhancing revenue.

What industries can benefit from Markopolo?

Markopolo is advantageous for agencies, enterprises, and eCommerce businesses aiming to improve outcomes, increase sales, and scale growth.

How does Markopolo optimize ad campaigns?

Markopolo optimizes ad campaigns using AI-enhanced ad optimization, smart budget allocation, and campaign improvement suggestions.

Does Markopolo offer advanced automation solutions?

Yes, Markopolo provides advanced automation solutions, including rule-based automation and unlimited personalization.

What is the pricing for Markopolo?

Markopolo's Pro plan starts at $59 per month with a 20% discount for annual subscriptions. Custom plans are also available for enterprises.