Maintain-AI Introduction

Maintain-AI Introduction. Maintain-AI automates pavement analysis and network inspections using AI-driven computer vision to detect defects and assess infrastructure performance.

Maintain-AI Website screenshot

What is Maintain-AI?

Maintain-AI is an advanced platform designed to automate the processes of inspecting, analyzing, and reporting on the performance of pavement and related infrastructure within a road network. By leveraging AI-powered computer vision and machine learning, it detects pavement defects, assesses infrastructure conditions, and conducts thorough, objective inspections of road networks.

How to use Maintain-AI?

To utilize Maintain-AI, asset managers and maintenance teams can capture images of the road network using the platform's automated road survey solution. The collected imagery is then processed through sophisticated machine learning algorithms and presented on user-friendly dashboards. This system helps users make the most of available funding, clearly communicate financial needs, and enhance the efficiency of pavement and infrastructure management.