LlamaChat Frequently Asked Questions

LlamaChat Frequently Asked Questions. LlamaChat: Chat locally on your Mac with top models like LLaMA, Alpaca, and GPT4All. Enjoy seamless, secure, and versatile chatbot experiences.

FAQ from LlamaChat

What is LlamaChat?

LlamaChat is a chat application that allows users to chat with their favorite LLaMA, Alpaca, and GPT4All models. These models run locally on your Mac, providing a chatbot-like experience.

How to use LlamaChat?

To use LlamaChat, download the version 1.2.0 from the website or install it via Homebrew. Once installed, you can launch the application and start chatting with the LLaMA, Alpaca, and GPT4All models. Simply type your messages and the models will respond accordingly.

Is LlamaChat free to use?

Yes, LlamaChat is 100% free and will always remain open-source.

Is LlamaChat available for Windows or Linux?

No, LlamaChat is currently only available for macOS.

Can I use my own AI models with LlamaChat?

Yes, you can import your own PyTorch model checkpoints or pre-converted .ggml model files.

Is LlamaChat affiliated with Meta Platforms, Stanford University, or Nomic AI?

No, LlamaChat is an independent application and not affiliated with any of these entities.