LinkedForgeAI Frequently Asked Questions

LinkedForgeAI Frequently Asked Questions. Boost engagement and streamline support with LinkedForgeAI—your AI chatbot assistant designed to enhance user interaction and satisfaction effortlessly.

Frequently Asked Questions about LinkedForgeAI

What is LinkedForgeAI?

LinkedForgeAI is a platform that allows you to create and manage AI-driven chatbots, enhancing user engagement and support on your website effortlessly.

How to use LinkedForgeAI?

Getting started with LinkedForgeAI is straightforward. Just sign up, create your chatbot, and embed it into your site to start interacting with visitors.

Is coding required to use LinkedForgeAI?

No, you don’t need any coding knowledge to utilize LinkedForgeAI. The platform is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to everyone.

Can I use LinkedForgeAI on multiple websites?

Absolutely! Once your chatbot is ready, you can integrate it across multiple sites by adding the same code snippet to each one.

What support does LinkedForgeAI offer?

For Pro Plan users, LinkedForgeAI offers priority email support. Free Plan users can get help through our community forums.