LedgerBox Frequently Asked Questions

LedgerBox Frequently Asked Questions. LedgerBox: The secure, trusted tool for converting bank statements to Excel/CSV effortlessly. Simplify your finances with peace of mind.

FAQ from LedgerBox

What is LedgerBox?

LedgerBox is a secure and trusted tool for converting bank statements to Excel and CSV formats.

How to use LedgerBox?

Convert your PDF bank statements to Excel (.csv) effortlessly by dragging and dropping your files into LedgerBox.

How secure is LedgerBox?

LedgerBox adheres to top-tier security protocols, ensuring all data is encrypted and transferred over secure connections.

How accurate is the conversion?

LedgerBox constantly refines its technology to deliver the highest accuracy in conversions.

Is LedgerBox scalable?

With its cloud-based infrastructure, LedgerBox guarantees availability and can manage any volume of conversions.