Frequently Asked Questions Frequently Asked Questions. Create custom computer vision projects in minutes with our cloud-based, fast, and intuitive platform. Experience effortless AI with LandingLens.

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What is

Landing AI is an AI software company specializing in computer vision. Their flagship product, LandingLens, is a cloud-based platform for creating custom computer vision systems quickly and easily through intuitive interactions.

How to use

Using LandingLens involves uploading images, labeling objects within them, training models, and evaluating performance. Once the model meets accuracy requirements, it can be deployed to the cloud or edge devices, with ongoing performance monitoring and updates as needed.

What are the core features of LandingLens?

Key features of LandingLens include Visual Prompting for intuitive interactions, Data-Centric AI for high-quality results from small datasets, Flexible Deployment options, and Unlimited Scalability for various project sizes.

What industries can benefit from LandingLens?

Industries such as automotive, electronics, food & beverage, medical devices, life sciences, agriculture, manufacturing, infrastructure, pharma, and EV manufacturing can all benefit from using LandingLens for their diverse computer vision needs.