Kuizu Frequently Asked Questions

Kuizu Frequently Asked Questions. Kuizu: Your AI Relationship Companion. Strengthen love and deepen connection with personalized insights, conversations, and activities tailored for couples.

Frequently Asked Questions about Kuizu

What is Kuizu?

Kuizu is an AI-driven app that helps couples improve their relationship by asking daily questions and providing a relationship score. The app personalizes these questions based on your responses.

How do I use Kuizu?

Simply download the Kuizu app, sign up with your partner, and start answering the daily questions. Your responses will help the AI tailor future questions to your relationship's needs.

How does Kuizu work?

Kuizu's AI generates daily questions designed to deepen your connection with your partner. Your answers contribute to a relationship score and guide the creation of future personalized questions.

What are the core features of Kuizu?

Kuizu offers daily relationship questions, custom AI-generated inquiries, a relationship score, and an AI advisor to help guide your relationship journey.

How can Kuizu improve my relationship?

Kuizu enhances your relationship by fostering stronger connections, improving communication, deepening emotional intimacy, and increasing overall compatibility.

Is Kuizu available for download?

Yes, Kuizu is available for download on major app stores. Start enhancing your relationship today!