Kotae Frequently Asked Questions

Kotae Frequently Asked Questions. Kotae: AI Chatbot Solution Tailored for Small Business Success – Elevate customer engagement with an AI chatbot designed to boost your small business growth.

Frequently Asked Questions about Kotae

What is Kotae?

Kotae is an AI chatbot solution tailored for small businesses, capable of automating 80% of customer inquiries across 80+ languages, offering personalized support, and requiring only 5 minutes to set up.

How do I set up Kotae?

Setting up Kotae is simple: input your website URL, upload documents, or create an FAQ. Then, embed the code snippet provided to start using the chatbot.

Does Kotae provide a free trial?

Yes, Kotae offers a 30-day free trial, including personalized onboarding to help small businesses experience its full potential.

Can I customize the chatbot's appearance?

Absolutely. You can personalize Kotae by adjusting its avatar, theme colors, and welcome message to reflect your brand's identity.
