Kora Web Knowledge Capture Introduction

Kora Web Knowledge Capture Introduction. Save web content to your Kora account with ease! Kora Web Knowledge Capture offers fast, efficient content saving for seamless organization and retrieval.

Kora Web Knowledge Capture Extension - Chrome Extension Website screenshot

What is Kora Web Knowledge Capture Extension?

The Kora Web Knowledge Capture extension is a powerful tool designed to help users easily save web content directly to their Kora accounts. This extension not only allows for content storage but also offers tagging and sharing options within the broader Kora platform, making it an ideal resource for organizing and managing online information.

How to Use Kora Web Knowledge Capture Extension?

With the Kora Web Knowledge Capture extension, you can seamlessly capture web pages, highlight specific sections of text, or save entire pages as knowledge articles in your Kora account. This intuitive browser tool integrates smoothly with your workflow, allowing for quick access and content organization.