Interview Monkey Frequently Asked Questions

Interview Monkey Frequently Asked Questions. Ace your software engineering interviews with Interview Monkey—your AI-powered assistant for coding challenges, mock interviews, and expert insights.

FAQ from Interview Monkey

What is Interview Monkey?

Interview Monkey is an AI-driven tool that aids users in preparing for software engineering interviews by offering real-time solutions for coding and system design questions. It is designed to increase your chances of landing a job at top tech companies like FAANG.

How to use Interview Monkey?

To begin using Interview Monkey, register on the website and download the Chrome extension. The tool offers a broad range of coding and system design questions, supporting invisible operation during screenshare, thus allowing users to get answers without typing.

What types of interview questions does Interview Monkey cover?

Interview Monkey covers an extensive range of questions, including coding problems similar to LeetCode, object-oriented programming questions, and system design challenges.

How do I get started with Interview Monkey?

Enter your email on the website to receive a link to download the Chrome extension. Complete the payment process through the extension to start using Interview Monkey for a more effective interview preparation experience.

Am I allowed to use Interview Monkey in an actual interview?

Policies regarding the use of AI tools in interviews may vary by company, so it's advisable to check with your potential employer. However, many engineers use AI tools to enhance their productivity.