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InfraNodus FAQ

What is InfraNodus?

InfraNodus is a sophisticated tool for analyzing text, identifying patterns, and visualizing data through network graphs. It utilizes AI to help users discover insights and uncover hidden connections within text data.

How do I use InfraNodus?

You can start by inputting text or importing data. InfraNodus will create a network graph showing word connections, which you can explore to generate insights.

What are the core features of InfraNodus?

InfraNodus includes AI-driven thinking, brainstorming tools, knowledge graphs, text mining, and data visualization features, all designed to facilitate deep analysis of large text datasets.

What are some use cases for InfraNodus?

InfraNodus is ideal for tasks like market research, customer feedback analysis, SEO, qualitative research, and brainstorming sessions.

What is the pricing for InfraNodus?

InfraNodus offers several pricing plans, including Cloud Account (€9/month), Pro Account (€29/month), and Premium Account (from €1500/year) with varying features and quotas.