Frequently Asked Questions Frequently Asked Questions. Your AI Copilot for email organization, chatting, and summaries. Let AI sort, chat, and summarize your emails so you can focus on what matters.

FAQ from

What is

Meet your personal AI Copilot to help you organize your emails. Focus on what matters by letting AI sort, chat, and summarize your emails.

How to use

Sign in with your Google Account and choose the mailboxes you want the platform to access. InboxChat will process your emails and provide automated actions and summaries.

What platforms are supported?

Currently, we support only Google Accounts.

How can you ensure the privacy and security of my data?

InboxChat is certified by Google through the CASA Tier 2 Security Certification, ensuring we hold your information to the highest level of security.

Can you read my emails?

While our system can technically access your emails to query and display them, we have stringent security measures in place to ensure your privacy. Any access to data by our team is logged and reviewed weekly.

How does chat work?

InboxChat finds the most relevant emails, pulls the information needed, and replies to your query.

What is Semantic Search?

Semantic search understands the meaning behind your query. Instead of just matching keywords, it considers context and intent to find the most accurate results.