Hatchways Features

Hatchways Features. Hatchways is a platform that helps companies run real-world technical assessments to evaluate candidates. These assessments are practical and conducted through Github repositories, allowing applicants to use familiar tools while interviewers can review code in a familiar interface.

Key Features of Hatchways

Hatchways offers these key features:

  • 1. Real-World Technical Assessments: Conduct assessments using Github, allowing candidates to demonstrate their skills on relevant tasks.
  • 2. Customizable Assessment Design: Create or customize assessments using provided templates or your own content. Choose from various coding challenges and tasks.
  • 3. Efficient Grading: Use automated testing tools or human reviewers to ensure accurate and timely grading of assessments.
  • 4. Candidate-Friendly Experience: Offer a realistic and less stressful assessment process by focusing on practical tasks.
  • 5. ATS Integration: Connect Hatchways with your ATS system for seamless tracking and management of the hiring process.

Applications of Hatchways

Hatchways is ideal for:

  • 1. Companies seeking to enhance their technical hiring process for better outcomes.
  • 2. Businesses of all sizes looking to provide a fair and inclusive interview experience.
  • 3. Recruiters and hiring managers aiming to automate and streamline candidate evaluations.
  • 4. Candidates who prefer practical assessments over theoretical coding tests.
  • 5. Organizations committed to diversity and inclusion who want to ensure a fair and unbiased hiring process.