Hammer Frequently Asked Questions

Hammer Frequently Asked Questions. Enhance customer engagement with Hammer: the AI-powered tool tailored for car dealerships. Boost sales and satisfaction effortlessly!

FAQ from Hammer

What is Hammer?

Hammer is an AI-powered customer engagement platform designed for car dealerships.

How to use Hammer?

1. Teach your AI the specific details of your dealership.
2. Connect with potential buyers through various channels like Facebook Messenger, CarGurus, AutoTrader, and SMS.
3. Filter out unqualified leads and instantly provide relevant information.
4. Consolidate tracking of all communications in one system.
5. Promote your inventory on websites like OfferUp and Craigslist.
6. Automate responses to customer questions to maintain engagement.
7. Enhance lead generation and drive sales growth.

What platforms does Hammer integrate with?

Hammer integrates with multiple platforms including Facebook Messenger, CarGurus, AutoTrader, and SMS.

How does Hammer filter out unqualified leads?

Hammer uses unique tracking numbers to route all messages to a centralized location, simplifying the process of filtering out unqualified leads.

Can Hammer automate responses to customer inquiries?

Yes, Hammer can automate responses to customer inquiries using its AI-powered technology.

Does Hammer provide inventory management features?

Yes, Hammer offers features to help manage and promote car dealership inventory on platforms like OfferUp and Craigslist.

How does Hammer track leads?

Hammer tracks leads by using unique tracking numbers and collecting data directly from the dealership.