Frequently Asked Questions about GPTZero
What is GPTZero?
GPTZero is an innovative AI detection tool that identifies AI-generated content from various models like ChatGPT, GPT-4, Bard, and LLaMa. It helps distinguish between human and AI-authored text.
How do I use GPTZero?
Using GPTZero is simple: paste your text into the input field or upload a file. GPTZero will analyze the document, providing an overall detection result and marking AI-generated sentences. You can also use their Chrome extension, Origin, for real-time web content analysis.
What features does GPTZero offer?
GPTZero includes AI detection for multiple models, detailed reports on writing statistics and AI content, API integration, a specialized educator dashboard, batch scanning, and a Chrome extension for browsing analysis.
What are the use cases for GPTZero?
GPTZero is applicable in education, hiring, publishing, legal fields, and social platforms, helping to verify the authenticity of documents and ensuring content integrity across these domains.
Is there pricing information for GPTZero?
For up-to-date pricing information, please visit the GPTZero Pricing page.
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