Gitit Frequently Asked Questions

Gitit Frequently Asked Questions. Gitit: AI-Powered Photo Finder for Quick Event Memory Recall swiftly locates event photos in vast albums. Revisit shared memories and engage with your community effortlessly.

FAQ from gitit

What is gitit?

Gitit uses AI to swiftly locate your event photos in vast albums. Engage with your community and revisit shared memories in just a few clicks.

How to use gitit?

1. Sign in to gitit.
2. Add and manage events using the integrated community calendar.
3. Upload a picture and let the platform find you in event photos.
4. Engage with your community and revisit shared memories in just a few clicks.

How does gitit use AI to locate event photos?

Gitit employs AI algorithms to analyze and match faces in event photos, facilitating the easy identification of yourself and others.

Can I control who has access to my community on gitit?

Yes, gitit allows you to customize access to your community, ensuring your events and updates reach the intended audience.

Is gitit free to use?

Gitit offers both free and paid plans. Visit our pricing page for more details.