GabbyGPT Frequently Asked Questions

GabbyGPT Frequently Asked Questions. GabbyGPT: AI Voice Assistant for WhatsApp. Perfect for seniors to send voice notes, chat with an AI companion, and receive easy voice responses.

FAQ about GabbyGPT

What is GabbyGPT?

GabbyGPT is an AI-powered voice assistant for WhatsApp that integrates ChatGPT into voice notes, enabling seniors to send voice messages, converse with an AI, and receive voice replies easily.

How do I use GabbyGPT?

Using GabbyGPT is simple: send a voice note on WhatsApp to the AI assistant. You can ask questions, engage in conversations, and get voice responses.

What are GabbyGPT's main features?

GabbyGPT offers seamless interaction with ChatGPT via voice notes, allows for asking questions and conversing, and provides voice responses. It is specially designed for seniors.

What are the uses of GabbyGPT?

GabbyGPT can be used for intellectual discussions, reducing loneliness, understanding younger generations, cognitive enhancement, learning about history, and grasping complex topics.

Are there pricing plans for GabbyGPT?

Yes, GabbyGPT offers a free plan for basic use, with premium and family plans available at $9.99/month and $14.99/month, respectively.