FL0 Frequently Asked Questions

FL0 Frequently Asked Questions. The AI enabled infrastructure platform that auto-builds, deploys, and scales your code in minutes. Forget messy cloud infrastructure and complex deployments.

FAQ from FL0

What is FL0?

FL0 is an AI-driven infrastructure platform that automates the building, deployment, and scaling of code, removing the complexity of cloud setups.

How to use FL0?

Deploy backend applications and databases swiftly, simplifying your development process.

What makes FL0 different from other deployment platforms?

FL0's unique AI-powered infrastructure and quick deployment capabilities, combined with autoscaling, offer a streamlined approach to managing code deployments.

Is FL0 suitable for businesses of all sizes?

Yes, FL0 is designed to meet the needs of startups, growing businesses, and large enterprises, offering scalability and reliability across the board.

Can I use my preferred programming language and frameworks with FL0?

Definitely! FL0 supports a wide range of programming languages and frameworks, giving you the flexibility to use the tools you're familiar with.

How does FL0 ensure high availability and security?

FL0 provides a 99.9% uptime guarantee and adheres to top-tier stability and security practices, ensuring your infrastructure's safety and reliability.