ExactScience Features

ExactScience Features. ExactScience is a rank tracking tool designed for SEO professionals. It uses AI to deliver content relevance insights and provides a comprehensive view of how your domains appear in search engine result pages (SERPs) organically. It focuses on above the fold content and offers a centralized dashboard for tracking multiple domains. By tracking every element of the SERP with context, ExactScience helps drive organic growth strategies.

Key Features of ExactScience

AI-driven Rank Insights

Emphasis on Above the Fold Content

Unified Domain Dashboard

Content Relevance Scoring

Cross-device Visual Tracking

Historical Rank Analytics

Competitive Metrics

Keyword Management

Customizable Data Refresh

Google Search Console Integration

Data Export Options

Applications of ExactScience

Optimizing Organic Growth Strategies

Enhancing Content Relevance

Competitor Benchmarking

Tracking Keyword Performance