Edaly Frequently Asked Questions

Edaly Frequently Asked Questions. Edaly: AI-powered platform revolutionizing remote education by connecting global learners to top educators, enhancing every learning experience.

Frequently Asked Questions about Edaly

What is Edaly?

Edaly is an AI-powered platform that connects learners worldwide to quality education providers, revolutionizing remote education. It utilizes advanced AI technology to enhance the learning experience for students and educators alike.

How to use Edaly?

1. Join the waitlist: Fill up the form on the website to join the waitlist and get early-access perks.
2. Connect with educators: Once onboarded, you can explore and connect with educators globally.
3. Take live classes: Attend interactive live classes using the platform's innovative AI technology.
4. Access personalized learning: Benefit from personalized learning experiences adapted to your needs.
5. Unlock your child's potential: For parents, use the AI feature to unlock your child's full potential and discover their strengths and ideal field of study.