FAQ from EasyEssay
What is EasyEssay?
Your Ultimate AI-Based Assistant for Writing the Best Essays
How to Use EasyEssay?
EasyEssay simplifies the writing process with tools for paraphrasing, checking for plagiarism, grammar correction, vocabulary improvement, and more. It's designed to help you produce top-quality essays and academic papers.
Will my essays be taken or leaked before I officially submit them?
EasyEssay ensures your documents are secure and confidential.
Is there a free trial before I purchase?
Yes, EasyEssay offers a free trial for you to explore its features.
How do I cancel my account?
You can easily cancel your account through the account settings page.
What payment methods are supported?
We accept various payment methods including credit cards and PayPal.
How do credits work?
Credits can be purchased and used to access different EasyEssay features based on your needs.