Deeto Frequently Asked Questions

Deeto Frequently Asked Questions. Deeto: Connect prospects with your best customers, gain trusted insights, and close more deals. Reward referees for their contributions. Boost sales today!

FAQ from Deeto

What is Deeto?

Deeto is a customer knowledge platform designed to connect your prospects with your most satisfied customers, providing valuable insights and helping close more deals. Referees are rewarded for their input.

How to use Deeto?

To use Deeto, book a demo to learn about the platform. After onboarding, start linking your prospects with your top customers. Deeto’s smart matching ensures effective conversations between happy customers and prospects. Show appreciation to your references through rewards and positive feedback.

How does Deeto work?

Deeto uses advanced smart matching to connect prospects with seasoned references, offering real-time notifications and feedback to keep all parties updated.

How can Deeto help my business?

Deeto enhances your business by boosting win rates, shortening sales cycles, and offering prospects reliable insights from your existing customers.

How can I show my gratitude to references?

Deeto allows you to reward and acknowledge your references, ensuring they feel appreciated for their contributions.

What are the core features of Deeto?

Deeto's key features include a platform for empowering prospects, connecting them with top customers, smart matching for effective dialogues, and providing real-time notifications and feedback.