DearReal Frequently Asked Questions

DearReal Frequently Asked Questions. Discover true connections with DearReal, the dating app that ensures a safe, genuine, and private experience. Trustworthy matches, real relationships.

FAQ from DearReal

What is DearReal?

DearReal is an innovative dating platform designed to foster a secure, authentic, and discreet dating experience.

How to use DearReal?

Getting started with DearReal is simple: download the app and sync it with your address book. From there, you can designate matchmakers, create matches for friends, and endorse your friends.

Is DearReal a free app?

Yes, DearReal is a fully functional app available at no cost.

Can I only message someone if we have mutual friends?

Indeed, you can only message someone on DearReal if a friend has matched you or if two friends have vouched for you.

Is my data safe with DearReal?

Definitely. DearReal prioritizes your privacy, ensuring data protection and GDPR compliance.

Can I use DearReal if I'm already in a relationship?

Absolutely. You can use DearReal to matchmake for your friends using the special Matchmaker mode.