Please provide the product name and summary so I can generate the title for you. Frequently Asked Questions

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DearReal FAQ

What is DearReal?

DearReal is a dating platform dedicated to providing a secure, genuine, and private environment for meaningful connections.

How can I start using DearReal?

Simply download the DearReal app, link it to your address book, and start connecting through your trusted circle.

Does DearReal cost anything?

No, DearReal is a fully functional and completely free-to-use app.

Can I only message someone if we have mutual friends?

Yes, messaging is limited to those who have been matched or vouched for by mutual friends.

Is my data secure with DearReal?

Yes, DearReal is committed to data protection and fully complies with GDPR regulations.

Can I use DearReal if I’m in a relationship?

Absolutely! DearReal’s Matchmaker mode is designed for users in relationships who want to help their friends find matches.