CopilotChat Frequently Asked Questions

CopilotChat Frequently Asked Questions. CopilotChat: Simplify code generation with TDD and auto-validation. Specify test cases and let CopilotChat generate and validate code effortlessly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is CopilotChat?

CopilotChat is a tool designed to make code generation simpler through the Test-Driven Development (TDD) process. Developers can define test cases and let CopilotChat generate and validate code to meet their needs.

How to use CopilotChat?

1. Define test cases by specifying inputs and expected outputs, along with any requirement descriptions.
2. CopilotChat generates code based on the test cases and requirements provided.
3. CopilotChat validates the generated code. If any test case fails, CopilotChat interacts iteratively to refine the code until all tests pass.