Continual Frequently Asked Questions

Continual Frequently Asked Questions. Continual: Leading Operational AI for the Modern Data Stack. Effortlessly build and improve predictive models without complex engineering.

FAQ from Continual

What is Continual?

Continual is a leading operational AI platform tailored for the modern data stack, facilitating the creation of self-improving predictive models without the need for complex engineering.

How to use Continual?

Continual enables the development of conversational experiences and AI automations for SaaS applications. It integrates with private data and APIs, allowing for quick and straightforward deployment.

How does Continual work?

By connecting to private data and APIs, Continual facilitates the integration of AI automations and conversational experiences into SaaS applications, with deployment achievable in minutes.

What are the core features of Continual?

Key features of Continual include the development of AI copilots, leveraging technologies like ChatGPT and GPT-4, and providing a comprehensive solution for deploying and enhancing AI-driven product experiences.

Who are the investors of Continual?

The investors behind Continual have not been publicly disclosed.