[Product Name] Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions about Contember

What is Contember?

Contember is a robust backend platform that enables users to launch scalable backends swiftly, offering TypeScript code for easy customization.

How do I use Contember?

Start by sharing your app idea with the AI-driven Contember Studio. It will quickly produce a deployable version of your app, which can be customized further with the open-source framework.

How does the AI-assisted Contember Studio work?

Share your app concept with the AI, which then generates a deployable version within minutes. This can be hosted on Contember Cloud or downloaded for customization.

Why choose the open-source Contember framework?

The open-source framework provides full code access and customization, simplifying development and deployment while ensuring adherence to best practices.

What are Contember's standout features?

Contember includes TypeScript and ReactJS support, instant GraphQL API generation, user management, workflow automation, and a customizable UI.

What applications can be built with Contember?

Use Contember to create apps for managing company fleets, developing a CMS, building decision-making tools, or creating houseplant care apps.

Does Contember offer managed hosting?

Yes, Contember Cloud provides fully managed hosting, handling backend complexities and security updates for a hassle-free experience.