Competely Features

Competely Features. Competely is an AI-powered tool that generates competitive analysis for your product within minutes. It covers product features, marketing strategies, positioning, audience, sentiment, and more.

Key Features of Competely

Competely offers in-depth analysis across several key areas:

  • Marketing: Evaluates taglines, unique value propositions, positioning, marketing channels, strategies, keywords, and social media presence.
  • Product: Assesses features, customization options, integrations, unique differentiators, and platforms supported.
  • Pricing: Examines business models, pricing structures, and sales approaches.
  • Audience: Analyzes user demographics, buyer personas, target company types, sizes, locations, and key stakeholders.
  • Customer Sentiment: Gathers and analyzes customer feedback, highlighting praises and complaints.
  • Company Info: Provides details such as the year of establishment, location, and other relevant company information.
  • SWOT Analysis: Identifies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Ideal Use Cases for Competely

Competely is particularly effective for competitive analysis of software products, including SaaS solutions, web applications, and mobile apps.