Cognify Insights Introduction

Cognify Insights Introduction. Cognify Insights: The advanced browser extension for seamless, in-depth research analysis. Boost productivity and uncover insights faster with powerful tools.

Cognify Insights Website screenshot

What is Cognify Insights?

Cognify Insights is a powerful browser extension tailored to elevate your research analysis. It works as an intelligent assistant, offering deep analysis for text, diagrams, tables, and graphs. Whether you need text translation, quick answers to questions, or concise summaries, Cognify Insights streamlines and enhances your research workflow.

How to use Cognify Insights?

Getting started with Cognify Insights is straightforward. Simply install the Chrome Headless Extension, log into your account, and begin analyzing by dragging and dropping any text, diagram, table, or graph. The extension instantly processes the content, delivering insights in real-time.