Clickmajic Frequently Asked Questions

Clickmajic Frequently Asked Questions. Automatic image background removal

FAQ from Clickmajic

What is Clickmajic?

Clickmajic specializes in automatic image background removal.

How to use Clickmajic?

Upload your image and Clickmajic’s AI will remove the background instantly.

How do you get rid of BG?

Upload your image and go to Edit > Erase/Restore to fine-tune the background removal.

Is there a free background remover available?

Yes, Clickmajic offers a free plan for basic background removal and photo editing.

Is it safe to delete the Clickmajic website?

The Clickmajic website is safe and offers reliable background removal services.

Is it possible to change the background of a photograph on the iPhone?

Yes, using iPhone's Portrait mode, you can edit photo backgrounds.

What program does background removal?

Clickmajic is a recommended tool for background removal and image editing.

Can Clickmajic remove background?

Yes, Clickmajic uses AI technology to remove image backgrounds efficiently.

How do I remove the background from a photograph in Clickmajic?

Upload your photo, let the AI remove the background, then download the edited image.

Does JPEG have transparency?

JPEG format does not support transparency. Clickmajic can create composite images with transparency options.