Chtrbx Frequently Asked Questions

Chtrbx Frequently Asked Questions. Unlock customer sentiments with Chtrbx: AI chatbots trained on your data to analyze interactions and deliver actionable insights for smarter business decisions.

Chtrbx FAQ

What is Chtrbx?

Chtrbx is an AI-powered platform that uses chatbots to analyze user interactions on your website, unlocking valuable customer sentiments and delivering actionable insights.

How to use Chtrbx?

To utilize Chtrbx, integrate the AI chatbot into your website. The chatbot interacts with users, analyzes conversations, and provides insights via a user-friendly dashboard.

How does Chtrbx analyze user interactions?

Chtrbx employs AI algorithms to examine user-chatbot conversations, identifying customer sentiments and extracting actionable insights.

Can Chtrbx be customized to fit my website's design?

Yes, Chtrbx is customizable to match your website's branding. You can modify the chatbot’s appearance, color scheme, and messaging style.

What kind of insights can I expect from Chtrbx?

Chtrbx offers insights into customer sentiments, interests, and preferences, helping businesses make informed decisions based on user interactions.

Is Chtrbx easy to integrate into my website?

Yes, Chtrbx is designed for easy integration. The platform provides clear documentation and step-by-step guidance for a smooth setup process.