ChatDBT Features

ChatDBT Features. ChatDBT: Revolutionize your data workflows with our GenAI-powered visual pipeline designer for DBT. Effortless, intuitive, and powerful data management.

ChatDBT's Key Features

Model Creation via Prompting

Create DBT models effortlessly through intuitive prompting.

Automatic Lineage Discovery

Automatically discover the lineage of your data pipelines with ease.

Context Highlighting and Dimming

Highlight important contexts and dim irrelevant information for clarity.

Complete Data Ownership

Maintain full ownership of your data throughout the pipeline.

Instant Author Chat

Engage in real-time conversations with the author of the DBT models.

ChatDBT's Use Cases

Creating Data Pipelines for DBT

Design and implement robust data pipelines tailored for DBT.

Designing Complex Data Pipelines

Handle complex data pipeline designs with advanced tools and features.

Collaborating with Stakeholders

Share and collaborate on your data pipeline designs with key stakeholders.