CapSolver Frequently Asked Questions

CapSolver Frequently Asked Questions. CapSolver: AI-powered captcha solution. Fast, affordable, and supports reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha, FunCaptcha, & more. Cheapest rates, instant results.

Frequently Asked Questions About CapSolver - AI-Powered Captcha Solution Service

What is CapSolver - AI-Powered Captcha Solution Service?

CapSolver is an automatic captcha solution service using AI and machine learning to recognize and solve CAPTCHAs. It supports various captcha types, including reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha, FunCaptcha, and more, offering a fast and affordable service.

How to use CapSolver - AI-Powered Captcha Solution Service?

Sign up for a free trial on their website and download the Google Chrome extension. Once registered and the extension installed, you can automatically solve captchas on websites. An API is available for easy integration with other platforms.

What types of captchas does CapSolver support?

CapSolver supports a range of captchas, including reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha, FunCaptcha, GeeTest, ImageToText, Cloudflare Turnstile, MTCaptcha, Amazon captcha, Datadome slider captcha, and Cybersiara captcha.

How reliable is CapSolver?

With a 99.9% uptime and the capacity to handle 100 million monthly requests, CapSolver is highly reliable for all your captcha solving needs.

Can CapSolver be customized for high-demand users?

Yes, CapSolver offers custom solutions for users with high demand, working directly with large organizations to meet their specific needs.

Does CapSolver have a referral system?

Indeed, CapSolver has a referral system where users can earn up to 10% profit whenever their referrals add funds to their accounts.

Does CapSolver offer a developer program?

Yes, developers can earn between 5-20% profit through CapSolver's developer program. Interested developers can apply on their website.

Is CapSolver compatible with other captcha recognition services?

CapSolver is compatible with the APIs of most popular manual captcha recognition services, ensuring easy integration.

How can I contact CapSolver for technical support or customized needs?

Contact CapSolver via their website's live chat support, Telegram, or Twitter. For customized needs or technical support, email [email protected]